Sunday, October 02, 2005

Having a pretty good weekend so far. Today I've just been taking it easy after last nights drinking... was a really good night though! Spent it with 5 really cool Amercians in the Navy. Makes a huge change to talking to British people... so different in their personalities. Luckily I'm able to stay in contact with them too.

Amie started chatting up some English lads... I was just thinking "What are you doing!!?!?? We have Amercians here you know!!!" Not often you get em on a night out! =p Silly girl. She could have an English bloke any day.

Hearing their accents made me miss L.A even more... god I HAVE TO get my arse BACK THERE!!!!

Sure an amazing place to be... better than around here anyway. Gotta love the people. Even the homeless are amazing! Came up and just had big convos with us... one told us he will appear in a movie at some point about Venice Beach. Spotted another one around Hollywood dressed as smart as you could image, suit, everything. With a sign around him saying "Work needed, I'll take anything" Poor guy. At least THEY were trying to get work, rather than most homeless.

In Feb it'll be a year since I went... ARGH! Makes it an even more reason to go back.

Carl is coming down next weekend, can't wait to see him again! Missed him loads. I wonder if I'll see a huge change in him since his huge weight-loss.

Quite looking forward to Greece this month now. If last times pictures are anything to go by, it'll be great... especially the night-life... the part I'm looking forward to most. I'm not botherd about all the beach, pool, sun bathing shit. I'm going with my sister Elle and a few others... Spoke to her last night while out, she was in Guildhall Walk dressed as a Cheerleader! Go her.

Anyway, I'm off now!


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