Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Can't sleep again... no change there then. I'm so weird. I wish I could be like my mum and dad, who are up majorly early, do a ton of stuff each day, including full time jobs. Argh!!

Carl told me I could text him if I couldn't sleep but I know deep down its a "Woke me up again!!!" So rather not go down that route.

So, over the past couple of days I must have applied for about 10 jobs.... TWO have got back to me... saying no of course but just two!!!! Its unfair, I think it should be the law for companies to actually get back to the person applying, even if its a no. It just makes you feel worthless and useless if they dont reply... almost like, whats the point?!??!

So, jobcentre tomorrow morning 10.30. I'm thinking I might just stay up the whole night now... it actually makes it worse sleeping for a tiny bit, then getting up early. Rather than sleeping none. Sounds weird, but true in my case.

Saturday will be when I go out with Jon, and Dave has asked me to some gig on the Sunday, I dont know if I will go to that yet though, I find it hard getting to the place its at. Im RUBBISH at direction.

I watched 'This Boys life' on T.V tonight, I hadnd seen it in a while... loved it just as much as always though :) I think 'The Basketball Diaries' is just as good. I think Leo Dicaprio is under-rated. Hes a great actor. I'm not thinking 'Titanic' style... more like them two above, and 'What's Eating Gilbert Grape'



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