Friday, November 24, 2006

A police officer phoned me today asking about Monday when I start work there. It was exciting. He asked what kinda work I had planned on doing, I said anything and everything. He seemed pleased with that statement and said he will find something interesting for me to do.

Just listening to Pink Floyd Songs... really reminding me of Carl, especially Sheep. And Pigs because he told me the story behind it all (Mary Whitehouse!) Ohhhh I have a new fav Floyd song, 'Have A Cigar' TOTALLY loving it!!!! Why hadn't I listened to it sooner??

Was also listening to The Beatles earlier too, 'Let It Be' really reminded me of Carl.

I never want to be apart from him, I really truely hope things work out with us. I always want him all to myself, but understand he needs other people... even though he used to tell me Im all he ever needs/wants.

Im also meant to be starting work at the Royal Marines Musesum soon, aparently I can start as early as next week! I think I'll do Mondays and Tuesday at the police station, then Thursdays and Fridays at the Museum, entering data.

Dan is driving up to see Dee and Mark tomorrow, I would have gone with him but I start on Monday and I think hes there for a while.

Haven't seen my Dave in a while, he broke his leg :( But its okay now and we're going out drinking like the good times at some point soon, looking forward to that. A sort of Xmas thing.

Its Thanksgiving in the USA today... what the hell is with this?? Whats the point, I just dont get it. Its so close to Xmas so its kinda weird.

I've nearly got all of Carl's presents now, just one more thing to get. Hope he likes them all :)


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