Wednesday, September 28, 2005

5:45 and Im not ONE bit sleepy... HOW annoying!!!!

I love to just write down whatever enters my head... even if its useless and pointless info and know that nobody will even read. Sometimes I find it hard to mind.

I watched 'Accidental Hero' the other day, I really forgot how much I do adore this film!!! I simply LOVE IT! Andy Garcia in it? WOW!!! And amazing... Dustin Hoffman in it? Even BETTER! As for Geena
Davis... she wern't bad :p Made a good reporter. There are so many things in this film that are SO funny! Mainly Hoffman... the way he acts, the things he says! Example...

Bernie LaPlante: Prisons are for tough guys... prisons are for guys who beat each other up, lift weights... fuck each other"

Bernie LaPlante: [Bernie drives through a rainstorm] I know why it's raining. I coulda predicted it. It's raining because my fucking wipers are all fucked up. If my wipers were okay, the fucking sun would be shining, AT NIGHT."

You can just tell hes the type to say them classic lines by just looking at his character there ^<

Haha!! Just found this>

I always seem to like these kinda things.

Omg, wow!! Just found the site where this came from and it has quite a few different films including 'Leon' (Brilliant) and 'Fatal Attraction' (Creepy but great) But best of all... CON AIR!!!

My fav site at the moment

Soooo funny!!!

I miss Carl...


Next week!! :)

Carl told me today how photographs can look so much better and sexier when turned black and white... so I decided to try it out myself ^^^ ;) :)

I signed on the other day... which I do feel really guilty about. Taking WORKING peoples money? Pure madness... Can't help by feel cheeky about it. I should be getting my OWN money, not relying on other hard working humans. Maybe thats why I didn't sign on for quite a while.
Oh well, hopefully won't be for too long.

Not that much planned for the rest of the week, although it is Thursday tomorrow now. Friday I'm out with Lou again, to the great nightlife of Gunwarlf :) Hopefully Amy and Gayle will come along again as well... even though they are in Uni now.
Won't be able to see Rich until either November or Xmas thanks to shitty Uni!!! I want my friends back... but atleast I still have Lou, whos simply the best in every way of course.

I just watched 'Porn. The Family Buisness' (Or whatever its called) on E4... quite amusing actually.

Bored now.

I'm off!

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Me and Lou had a good laugh today while looking at all the pics from Friday night.


Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Last night was TERRIBLE.

My boyfriends front door was shot through by bullets, one being a shotgun, the other a handgun. This kind of thing doesn't happen everyday, so it were a huge shock.

I was talking to him at the time, to see someone go into panic like that, what do you think? Its not like you can do anything at all as your not even there!!

I'm just thankful nobody got hurt during this, it could have easily been done. It does make you think about life more...

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

My first EVER blog...

Now, what to write?

Nothing comes to mind for now! Although this is my own personal blog for me personally to look back on in months or years to come and remember how things USED to be.

So until something worth writing about comes to my life then...

Bye bye for now!