Monday, November 27, 2006

I start at the police station tomorrow, Im looking forward to it but now am feeling nervous about it.

I tried to sleep at 12am, I did but then woke up at 1am and cant get back to sleep :( I really miss Carl A LOT. Makes it worse that Ive just spent the weekend with him, now Im sleeping alone after them few days, I hate it. I normally spend tonight with him too but obviously cant tonight as Im going to the station tomorrow... makes me feel worse really, because I know this past month Ive never been a Sunday night without him, and now look :(

Feeling quite lonely right now. Whenever I see a little orange flash at the bottom of the screen, my heart skips a beat because I think it might be Carl coming online and sending me a msg. But I know it wont be, he's in bed for good now, but you always have that little hope deep down inside that it might be different.

Its nearly 3AM. Im gonna go see if I can sleep now... Or maybe not.


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