Tuesday, July 03, 2007

I can't sleep.

I have an interview tomorrow and I'm so nervous about it.

I had an interview the other week for Hay's recruitment (Which I didn't get) BUT I wasn't as half as nervous as I am now... and I don't know why either :(

This is for a company called Dougless Stafford Ltd.

I'm hoping I'll be able to sleep a bit but I don't know.

Carl is also really nervous because he has his TM big test on Weds. I know he will do fine but I know how he's feeling. He has to do a written test, along with talking in front of a couple of people, which I can imagine is very scary.

So I just can't wait until tomorrow is over now, so I can relax and not be so panicky and uptight!! Carl helped me a lot with the research but I'm just rubbish when I get caught off guard with questions I don't know how to answer (Like last time)

I hope the outcomes are what we want, for both of us.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

I'm depressed. But I shouldn't be because tomorrow I start a temp job.

Here are the pros and cons of it-

- £7.50 per hour, good savings
- Experience
- Something to put on my CV
- Meeting new people
- Building some skills?

- I'd have to come off J.S.A for 3 weeks, then straight back on again= HASSLE.
- It's only for 3 weeks
- I won't ever see my dad... hey what am I on about? I won't ever see ANY of my family
- It's in Havant, so if this lady to is hopefully gonna give me a lift to and from pulls out of the job, I'm screwed also.
- THE TERRIBLE HOURS! :( 5pm- Wait for it... 12:30AM
- I will miss all my shows, like my soaps and Big Brother
- I'll miss the family meals, I love cooking with dad.
- I won't get to talk to Carl as much
- My Friday nights will be gone
- I'll have to come off my I.T course that I have just started with LearnDirect as it won't be free anymore, thus being a LOT of money.

ARGH!! I just don't know what to do right now. I need to talk to someone.

I WAS happy about it at first... but after it sinked in a bit of whats gonna happen... :(

Thursday, May 17, 2007

I can't get an image out of my head!! :(

I watched a video, and I know now that I shouldn't have done.

Basically, here is the story!

"Mosul, Iraq -- According to the Kurdish website Jebar.info up to 1000 men from the Yezidi Kurdish community of Mosul killed a teenager who's only crime was running away to marry a Muslim man whom she loved and converting to his religion.
For four months the girl had been given shelter by a local Muslim Sheik. It was reported that in the last few days her family persuaded her to return home, convincing her that she had been forgiven by her parents and relatives for her mistake.
In a short mobile video clip which appears to have been taken by locals at seen of the murder, the girl is seen being ambushed on her way home by a group of up to 1000 men who were waiting for her to return; the men killed her in the most brutal way possible, by throwing large stones on her head. The following clips show that while she is alive and crying for help she is taunted and kicked in her stomach until someone finishes her off by throwing a large stone on her face.

From the clips it appears that the girl was first stripped naked to symbolize that she had dishonored her family and her Yezidi religion. She is lying on the road naked while her smashed face is covered with blood and still breathing.
According to the website and footage from the clip a number of armed local police officers were present who in fact helped the crowd to kill the woman rather than preventing the crime. Sometime later the Iraqi army arrived at the scene and refused anyone entry, including the press.
Killing women for reasons of honor, shame and religion does happens in regions of Kurdistan and Iraq. The above incidents are not uncommon in some of the deeply religious and traditional communities. For long violence against women has been commonly used as a political and religious weapon and as a means of social control."

Yes, I watched all of that on a video taken by a mobile. It was HORRIBLE.

POLICE WERE THERE BUT ACTUALLY HELPED WITH THE MURDER!? WTF!!!!! What sort of police does this country actually have?!

I don't think having British and US troops in Iraq has done anything good at all! What good has come of it really? Nothing but more and more bombs and OUR troops being murderd for doing their job. Why try and help people that doesn't want the help?

Who's actually in charge of Iraq anyway? Why is this sort of 'animal like' actions allowed to happen?

A religion is just a religion. Who cares if you want to be with someone else who has a different religion to you??? Just because you don't believe in the same thing, doesn't mean you have to kill people and feel so much hate towards.

If you ask me, ALL religions should be emptied from this world.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Pink Floyd were soooooo good!!!

I loved it all.

I think the best song they did was 'Another Brick In The Wall' because in the background they had all the classic animation of the hammers, the teacher, the kid, the big white wall etc. They also did 'Pigs' really well. I was all pleased to be wearing my dark side of the moon t.shirt there.

There was this one guy who sounded EXACTLY like them... he should have sung some more songs as he was the best there.

The fans were all pretty old, which I guess is understandable if you think about it. What with them being at their highest point in the 1970's.

Now I need to wait for the next concert, which will be Rush, in under 6 months time. Only this time it'll be 100 times bigger and louder!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

We're going to see Auzzie Pink Floyd and Rush!!!!!

Pink Floyd has been long awaited, so I'm SO looking forward to that! Always wanted to go. As for Rush, its gonna be HUGE, in London, 7 seats from the front, oh yes!! 6 months to go... argh.

Things seem near enough perfect at the moment, the only thing that would top it off to being 100% amazing is if I got a decent job and was able to live with Carl in our own place somewhere :) That's all I want now. Would be the perfect life for me... watch all the films we want, whenever we want. Cook together, build up our place so it looks 'our own', watch LOST... and of course spending our free time together doing f-all other than loving each other.

It's out 2nd year anniversary in a few days. It falls on a Sunday, so Carl is going to take the Monday off. Don't know what we're doing yet though.

Why is it whenever I'm on my computer, I get tired, but as soon as I go to bed, I can't sleep? Can things get anymore annoying than that? :( Up at 7am too... Great. All I hear is Deppy chewing away on his metal cage bars, which is such an annoying sound but oh well, he's a hamster afterall!!

Monday, March 05, 2007

Things are going really good at the moment. Been spending loads of time with Carl, which never seems to get boring either.

We went to London a few weeks back, and enjoyed a day of sight seeing, going to London Zoo and of course seeing 'the bench' where it all began!

The only thing missing in my life right now is a full time job that PAYS, as well as living with Carl. Obviously I can only do the second one, if I have the first one. Hopefully that will all come together soon! I'm thinking of maybe joining Carl's work place. Would be the last option but I might just have to.

Song I'm really into right now-


Friday, January 19, 2007

I quit the police station job, I just couldn't face doing it anymore. Im still loving the museum though thankfully. Time sure flys as well... One second it'll be 11am, then all of a sudden its 1pm!Crazy.

Mad weather happening here lately. I couldnt even go into work because of how bad it was on the Southsea seafront. Hopefully it'll be better tomorrow, but if not I dont wanna take any chances. Last week was really scary and it wasnt even a weather warning then. So god knows what today was like there.

Things between me and Carl are going great. Should be going to a day trip in London within the next few weeks (some Saturday) We want to go to London zoo, and of course see 'our bench' In L.Square. Aaahhhh.

We're going out for a meal on Saturday evening then popping in to Jongelours to see my friend Sam (Its his 20th) Depending on if Carl can get in due to no ID! :(

So I have started watching Lost with Carl... I thought I owed it to him since he watched the whole series of sex and the city with me. Im quite enjoying it so far... we have got upto when two of them find some mystery steel box in the woods??? Not a clue what that is all about but I guess I'll hopefully find out next episode :)

Thursday, January 04, 2007

I always love Big Brother because if I can't sleep, I know that there are actually people in the world still awake. You know that feeling you can get of how you feel you're the only person not sleeping? Then you switch to these people, and see them there, just like me.

I'm starting to get bored of the police station now :( Due to quite a few factors. Although I am enjoying the museum. I really like Ian, whom I work with. And what few people work there are so friendly and lovely.

Its 4:00 and Im up at 7am, dont know what to do. Ive tried sleeping of course but had a big argument with Carl before, so I can't do it, I hardly ever can after this sort of thing. I HATE arguing. I really hope we'll be ok. I do love him more than life.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

I've been at the police station for a few weeks now and Im enjoying it. I faced my fear of calling people I dont know. And my boss, Sgt Ben McClane got me some chocolate and a card today :) A sort of thank you for being there. He came in from going out and I heard some other police men go "Ooooh yum!" Then he gave me them. Wasn't expecting that. I was also nice and offerd them to all policemen in the room :p

Rich is back home now Yay!! I'm going out with him tomorrow, bowling. And maybe hopefully the cinema another day before he goes back up north.

I have got all of Carl's presents now I'm pretty sure. Sadly, I have no money right now anyway so even if I did see something for him, I cant get it :(

Carl goes back to Liverpool for around a week, for Xmas. When I'll be down here with the family. I wrote out a list of treats for dad to get me! :) And I'll hopefully be going shopping his Friday with them too.

Monday, November 27, 2006

I start at the police station tomorrow, Im looking forward to it but now am feeling nervous about it.

I tried to sleep at 12am, I did but then woke up at 1am and cant get back to sleep :( I really miss Carl A LOT. Makes it worse that Ive just spent the weekend with him, now Im sleeping alone after them few days, I hate it. I normally spend tonight with him too but obviously cant tonight as Im going to the station tomorrow... makes me feel worse really, because I know this past month Ive never been a Sunday night without him, and now look :(

Feeling quite lonely right now. Whenever I see a little orange flash at the bottom of the screen, my heart skips a beat because I think it might be Carl coming online and sending me a msg. But I know it wont be, he's in bed for good now, but you always have that little hope deep down inside that it might be different.

Its nearly 3AM. Im gonna go see if I can sleep now... Or maybe not.

Friday, November 24, 2006

A police officer phoned me today asking about Monday when I start work there. It was exciting. He asked what kinda work I had planned on doing, I said anything and everything. He seemed pleased with that statement and said he will find something interesting for me to do.

Just listening to Pink Floyd Songs... really reminding me of Carl, especially Sheep. And Pigs because he told me the story behind it all (Mary Whitehouse!) Ohhhh I have a new fav Floyd song, 'Have A Cigar' TOTALLY loving it!!!! Why hadn't I listened to it sooner??

Was also listening to The Beatles earlier too, 'Let It Be' really reminded me of Carl.

I never want to be apart from him, I really truely hope things work out with us. I always want him all to myself, but understand he needs other people... even though he used to tell me Im all he ever needs/wants.

Im also meant to be starting work at the Royal Marines Musesum soon, aparently I can start as early as next week! I think I'll do Mondays and Tuesday at the police station, then Thursdays and Fridays at the Museum, entering data.

Dan is driving up to see Dee and Mark tomorrow, I would have gone with him but I start on Monday and I think hes there for a while.

Haven't seen my Dave in a while, he broke his leg :( But its okay now and we're going out drinking like the good times at some point soon, looking forward to that. A sort of Xmas thing.

Its Thanksgiving in the USA today... what the hell is with this?? Whats the point, I just dont get it. Its so close to Xmas so its kinda weird.

I've nearly got all of Carl's presents now, just one more thing to get. Hope he likes them all :)

Friday, November 17, 2006

I did some modelling tonight....

Yeah... it was my second time doing it with these people. I thought it was fun last time, so I did it again.
I had to do a couple of outfits, stuff from Principles, New Look, Gap, Top Shop... there were others but can't remember now. I loved all the outfits, shame I couldn't get the clothes for free though!! Bah!
It was scary but fun at the same time and was quite cool too because as soon as I walked in the woman in charge knew what size I were from just one glimpse! She knew last time too... Thought that was clever... but I guess it is her job, so :P Understandable.

Fun fun fun times!!

In other news, a week on Monday, I go to the police station again, and start work!!! :) Really looking forward to it now!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

So my friend Cody from L.A called me today and yesterday. I love it when he does because I love his accent. And he seems to love mine too, no idea why but hey! Hes begging me to come to L.A soon, and to stay with him. I'd love to go back at some point in the future.

I'm hopefully about to start working at The Royal Marines Museum soon as a data entry clerk... and also hopefully the police. Can't wait!!!! Especially the police one.

I went and watched Saw 3 with Carl a week ago-was brilliant- great ending too!! Bit gruesome though but that is whats to be expected :P

Monday, October 02, 2006

I quite like writing in this thing when theres nobody else to talk to...

I'm going to stay up all night now as I have to get up to go out at 8am anyway... then hopefully I'll be able to sleep tomorrow night instead.

I had a nice time with Jon, we saw 'Children Of Men' which was very good indeed!! We seemed a bit more commfortable with each other this time round, more being ourselfs and not worrying etc. Was good to be like that. He even sang to me, haha.

So I've always thought Johhny Depp would always be my one and only sex god, but theres someone else
to add to him now :-o Clive Owen... Oh my god! Something about him thats very wow-ish!! Think I may have a thing for older men... first Johnny, born in 1963, now Clive, just a year younger, 1964. He does look brilliant in that 'Children Of Men' and 'Derailed' Oh and not forgetting 'King Arthur' (Lucky Keria!!!) And also, why is it BOTH of these men just keep getting better looking as they get older??? It should be the other way around. Us females look shittier and shitter as we get older, not very fair now is it.

Really windy outside at the moment, although Im kinda liking the weather at the moment, its nice to see some rain for once. Not to mention I just love the sound of it anyway.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Loving this song at the moment... Pink Floyd's 'Sheep'

Harmlessly passing your time in the grassland away;
Only dimly aware of a certain unease in the air.
You better watch out,
There may be dogs about
I've looked over Jordan, and I have seen
Things are not what they seem.
What do you get for pretending the danger's not real.
Meek and obedient you follow the leader
Down well trodden corridors into the valley of steel.
What a surprise!
A look of terminal shock in your eyes.
Now things are really what they seem.
No, this is no bad dream.
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want
He makes me down to lie
Through pastures green He leadeth me the silent waters by.
With bright knives
He releaseth my soul.
He maketh me to hang on hooks in high places.
He converteth me to lamb cutlets,
For lo, He hath great power, and great hunger.
When cometh the day we lowly ones,Through quiet reflection, and great dedication
Master the art of karate,Lo, we shall rise up,
And then we'll make the bugger's eyes water.
Bleating and babbling we fell on his neck with a scream.
Wave upon wave of demented avengers
March cheerfully out of obscurity into the dream.
Have you heard the news?
The dogs are dead!
You better stay home
And do as you're told.
Get out of the road if you want to grow old.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Can't sleep again... no change there then. I'm so weird. I wish I could be like my mum and dad, who are up majorly early, do a ton of stuff each day, including full time jobs. Argh!!

Carl told me I could text him if I couldn't sleep but I know deep down its a "Woke me up again!!!" So rather not go down that route.

So, over the past couple of days I must have applied for about 10 jobs.... TWO have got back to me... saying no of course but just two!!!! Its unfair, I think it should be the law for companies to actually get back to the person applying, even if its a no. It just makes you feel worthless and useless if they dont reply... almost like, whats the point?!??!

So, jobcentre tomorrow morning 10.30. I'm thinking I might just stay up the whole night now... it actually makes it worse sleeping for a tiny bit, then getting up early. Rather than sleeping none. Sounds weird, but true in my case.

Saturday will be when I go out with Jon, and Dave has asked me to some gig on the Sunday, I dont know if I will go to that yet though, I find it hard getting to the place its at. Im RUBBISH at direction.

I watched 'This Boys life' on T.V tonight, I hadnd seen it in a while... loved it just as much as always though :) I think 'The Basketball Diaries' is just as good. I think Leo Dicaprio is under-rated. Hes a great actor. I'm not thinking 'Titanic' style... more like them two above, and 'What's Eating Gilbert Grape'


Monday, September 25, 2006

I can't sleep and I'm ever so slightly depressed.

Dad will be up for work soon... might just go and spend some time with him, he cheered me up earlier, giving me a jumper of his and spraying it with his aftershave. Its a nice jumper, says 1981 on it... he got it becuase thats the year my brother and their first born came about... shame it had to all end a few weeks later :( Speaking of which, its his 'anniversary' next month. I want to go with mum to the Grave... aparently my sister has planted new flowers there. I dont go as often as I should... Im going to go more.... its just, his whole grave looks so depressing/messy and yucky. Its horrible to think a baby is under there, my brother. I wonder what he would be like now if he was still alive... I always think this. I bet he would be really sucsessful, with a good job. As for looks, I think he'd be like my dad, because you could already see that in him, with them big blue eyes. I think he might be like Daniel in a way too... only 25 instead of 20.

Anyway, dad ALWAYS did that for me when I were little, I loved it. If I ever had a bad dream or anything, Id wake up, find the jumper, smell it/hug it and everything would be okay again... and end up going back to sleep. If only this time I could actually get some sleep in the FIRST place.

So my sister has now left for good, to the hot country. She got there a couple of hours ago. Its weird but she'll be back xmas time.

As for my other sister, shes just got back from Sydney. I hope it was worth it, she packed in her job for it... Good for her I say, she didn tlik it there anyway! I want to go to Austrilia now... not just because dad lived tere but I wanna see my two auzzie friends :) They keep asking me to come over... so I will some day.

It was nice helping mum in the garden today, or rather yesterday. We are building a wall at the bottom so the perv behind cant spy on us anymore... she told me today he used to peer through the fence at myself and my sister when we were little too... uhhh ewwww!!! We have also been cutting down some tree branches, which was fun, but hard. And making a nice display by the pond.... it'll look great once finished.

On another note, Im very ugly at the moment. I mean, not that Im not any other time but lately... jesus :/ I need new skin or something I think. That'll be amazing. I did hear about them 'blue skin peels' you can get but will probably be thousands... I'd love to be a millionaire because when it comes to looks, Id get my teeth all totally perfect, my skin looking amazing, and just an all round better body. Id be really confident and be able to approach a man while sober, without feeling silly. And for first time sex with someone new, I'd be all confident and be like them kinda girls who dont seem to give a toss on how they look, they just get naked with no thought. I CAN imagine myself being like that one day... it'll just be a while yet I think. I'll look forward to that confidence though, very much so indeed. And be making the most of it for sure.

I don't really have anything planned for today (after attempting to sleep of course) I think I'll help with the garden again, I quite enjoyed it and was nice speaking to mum at the same time too.

This weekend Im going to go out with Jon... he keeps asking me and I keep putting it off, and I dont even know why I do because I do really like being around him, I dont know. So screw it, I'm going. My parents keep wanting me to go with him anyway. They don't even know him but seem to trust him enough and like the sound of him... and his car. Mum met him once and thought he was so cute and adorable because he was really shy, awww.

This blog is getting pretty long now so I'm going to stop... I haven't felt the need to write so much in ages. But Im glad I did.

Until next time...

Thursday, August 10, 2006

SO, my cousin, Jason after years of acting hes finally wrote his first book. Im so proud! :P Its even on amazon!!


Monday, July 17, 2006

What is the actual point in me being on this planet?

I don't do a thing thats worth living.

People must think I'm a waste of space... and correctly too.

Sick of it all, really. I HATE my life right now.

It has to be the worst year yet, I don't think things can get much worse now. God help me if they do.

I want to, I want to be someone else or I'll explode

Thursday, May 04, 2006

No more apprentership then- I were very depressed for a few days...

But on the bright side of things- in 4 weeks time I'm going to Liverpool for 2 weeks, to apply for as many office jobs as possible. Hopefully something will turn up- then my new life in the pool will begin.

I'm gonna feel so upset leaving my parents though :( I even get emotional when I leave them for just a week at a time, so god knows how I'll be for life. I don't want to think about it at the moment because my eyes just fill up whenever I do.

All for now.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

I started my apprentership in admin on Monday.

Other than that though- I'm fed up! :(

Bored with life

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Just come in and I am very drunk. YES. And I'm looooooving it ;)


Wednesday, February 08, 2006

- Me and Carl are over the '10 months stage' now. Will be a year before we know it. Which we'll be spending in London (where we first ever met)

- Went to a barn dance with Lou the other night (OH dear) We walked in and...

"Me: Lou... it's full of OLD and grey people"
"Lou: Omg, what have we done? I'm so sorry, I didn't know it'll be THIS bad. I'm SO glad you're here with me"

Actually- it was QUITE a laugh after a while! Apart from old pervy men.

- Off to France in a few days.

- Going back up north to Liverpool to see Carl soon. Off to Blackpool again with him :)

Thats all to report for now.


Sunday, November 13, 2005

I can't stand it when I cannot sleep!!!!

Absoutley nobody is on messenger... out of 80 contacts, you would have thought at least one would be online to talk to! Oh well.

Had a good night with Lou... Dranks bottles of wine and ate chinese. Can't go wrong there really! It's her birthday on Wensday, so we're all hitting the town on the Saturday.

OHHHHH, finally!! Someone is online! CODY I LOVE YOU!!!! Americans... they never let you down! :p

Thursday, October 06, 2005

All that you touch
All that you see
All that you taste
All you feel.
All that you love
All that you hate
All you distrust
All you save.
All that you give
All that you deal
All that you buy, beg, borrow or steal.
All you create
All you destroy
All that you do
All that you say.
All that you eat
And everyone you meet
All that you slight
And everyone you fight.
All that is now
All that is gone
All that's to come and everything under the sun is in tune but the sun is eclipsed by the moon.

"There is no dark side of the moon really. Matter of fact it's all dark."

Almost sounds like an end to a great novel.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Having a pretty good weekend so far. Today I've just been taking it easy after last nights drinking... was a really good night though! Spent it with 5 really cool Amercians in the Navy. Makes a huge change to talking to British people... so different in their personalities. Luckily I'm able to stay in contact with them too.

Amie started chatting up some English lads... I was just thinking "What are you doing!!?!?? We have Amercians here you know!!!" Not often you get em on a night out! =p Silly girl. She could have an English bloke any day.

Hearing their accents made me miss L.A even more... god I HAVE TO get my arse BACK THERE!!!!

Sure an amazing place to be... better than around here anyway. Gotta love the people. Even the homeless are amazing! Came up and just had big convos with us... one told us he will appear in a movie at some point about Venice Beach. Spotted another one around Hollywood dressed as smart as you could image, suit, everything. With a sign around him saying "Work needed, I'll take anything" Poor guy. At least THEY were trying to get work, rather than most homeless.

In Feb it'll be a year since I went... ARGH! Makes it an even more reason to go back.

Carl is coming down next weekend, can't wait to see him again! Missed him loads. I wonder if I'll see a huge change in him since his huge weight-loss.

Quite looking forward to Greece this month now. If last times pictures are anything to go by, it'll be great... especially the night-life... the part I'm looking forward to most. I'm not botherd about all the beach, pool, sun bathing shit. I'm going with my sister Elle and a few others... Spoke to her last night while out, she was in Guildhall Walk dressed as a Cheerleader! Go her.

Anyway, I'm off now!

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

5:45 and Im not ONE bit sleepy... HOW annoying!!!!

I love to just write down whatever enters my head... even if its useless and pointless info and know that nobody will even read. Sometimes I find it hard to mind.

I watched 'Accidental Hero' the other day, I really forgot how much I do adore this film!!! I simply LOVE IT! Andy Garcia in it? WOW!!! And amazing... Dustin Hoffman in it? Even BETTER! As for Geena
Davis... she wern't bad :p Made a good reporter. There are so many things in this film that are SO funny! Mainly Hoffman... the way he acts, the things he says! Example...

Bernie LaPlante: Prisons are for tough guys... prisons are for guys who beat each other up, lift weights... fuck each other"

Bernie LaPlante: [Bernie drives through a rainstorm] I know why it's raining. I coulda predicted it. It's raining because my fucking wipers are all fucked up. If my wipers were okay, the fucking sun would be shining, AT NIGHT."

You can just tell hes the type to say them classic lines by just looking at his character there ^<

Haha!! Just found this>

I always seem to like these kinda things.

Omg, wow!! Just found the site where this came from and it has quite a few different films including 'Leon' (Brilliant) and 'Fatal Attraction' (Creepy but great) But best of all... CON AIR!!!


My fav site at the moment


Soooo funny!!!

I miss Carl...


Next week!! :)

Carl told me today how photographs can look so much better and sexier when turned black and white... so I decided to try it out myself ^^^ ;) :)

I signed on the other day... which I do feel really guilty about. Taking WORKING peoples money? Pure madness... Can't help by feel cheeky about it. I should be getting my OWN money, not relying on other hard working humans. Maybe thats why I didn't sign on for quite a while.
Oh well, hopefully won't be for too long.

Not that much planned for the rest of the week, although it is Thursday tomorrow now. Friday I'm out with Lou again, to the great nightlife of Gunwarlf :) Hopefully Amy and Gayle will come along again as well... even though they are in Uni now.
Won't be able to see Rich until either November or Xmas thanks to shitty Uni!!! I want my friends back... but atleast I still have Lou, whos simply the best in every way of course.

I just watched 'Porn. The Family Buisness' (Or whatever its called) on E4... quite amusing actually.

Bored now.

I'm off!

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Me and Lou had a good laugh today while looking at all the pics from Friday night.


Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Last night was TERRIBLE.

My boyfriends front door was shot through by bullets, one being a shotgun, the other a handgun. This kind of thing doesn't happen everyday, so it were a huge shock.

I was talking to him at the time, to see someone go into panic like that, what do you think? Its not like you can do anything at all as your not even there!!

I'm just thankful nobody got hurt during this, it could have easily been done. It does make you think about life more...

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

My first EVER blog...

Now, what to write?

Nothing comes to mind for now! Although this is my own personal blog for me personally to look back on in months or years to come and remember how things USED to be.

So until something worth writing about comes to my life then...

Bye bye for now!